Vegan Desserts Cookbook - Nutritarian Vegan Chef - Health Author
The eldest daughter of celebrity doctor Joel Fuhrman MD and his wife Lisa, Talia learned from an early age about the connection between the foods we consume and the state of our health. As a teenager, Talia aspired to become a pro-tennis player, but ultimately realized that her greatest passion was helping people become their happiest and healthiest via the sciences of nutrition and psychology. A true science lover, she went on to earn a Bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Science at Cornell University.
Talia’s career has focused on connecting the core concepts of nutritional excellence in a way that is fresh and entertaining, filled with practical tips and the occasional touches of whimsy. In 2014, she released her first book, Love Your Body, a guide for young adults who wanted to embark on a healthy lifestyle. With her second book, her first cookbook, Desserts To Live For, she’s widening her audience and exploring the wonders of healthful treats. “Using this book as your tool,” she writes, “You can ‘eat your cake’ and stay healthy, too.”
Talia’s writing and recipes have been featured in publications and websites including Women’s Health Magazine, Psychology Today, Rodale Press and Vegetarian Times, MindBodyGreen, and Thought Catalog.