I believe in this cookie dough. I believe in these cookies. I believe they can achieve sensational tastiness in my mouth and yours too. I too believe that they will forever be a staple in my house and again, hopefully yours as well. I love them like I would the best of the best cookie dough (or cookies!) at any restaurant I’ve ever been to. Yes, I just wrote that. What a declaration, but it’s not one I am about to take back. This is why: I eat the dough (or a warm cookie!) with coconut milk vanilla ice cream and/or coconut whipped cream on top and it’s insanity! For the purposes of clarity, I mean insanity in the best way possible. It’s like when you are at a Taylor Swift concert (Unfortunately I wouldn’t know, we are imagining this hypothetically) and you say (it’s really almost a scream because the music is so loud), “This is INSANITY!” and you mean it in the best definition of the word “insanity!” possible. If you end up at a Taylor Swift concert, it will likely only happen once in your life unless you are her stage manager or another position working for her, but we are thinking in terms of probabilities here. If however, you make these cookies while playing Taylor Swift music as loud as you want, you can do so as many times as you want. How fun does that seem! If we are to maintain utmost accuracy, I happened to bake these cookies while listening to Eminem. You might not have expected me to be an Eminem fan, but I happen to be a very large one. If I am going to prepare one of my favorite cookie recipes, then I should obviously put on my favorite rap music.

Now, you don’t need any ice cream or whipped cream to find this dough or cookies almost sinfully delicious because, hey, a cookie should shine without any assistance from tasty toppings, but I really do like one warmed with ice cream as a special treat. Sometimes I make these cookies and eat one without ice cream on the go as I’m running out the door because I’m desperate to get to my favorite book store and don’t want to purchase any junk food at the cafe while I’m there. I warm a cookie up in the microwave (for 30 seconds if refrigerated and 1 minute if frozen) and mmmmm a warmed cookie is, as mentioned before, INSANITY. Oh yes, and I love how short the ingredient list is.
Now, you don’t need any ice cream or whipped cream to find this dough or cookies almost sinfully delicious because, hey, a cookie should shine without any assistance from tasty toppings, but I really do like one warmed with ice cream as a special treat. Sometimes I make these cookies and eat one without ice cream on the go as I’m running out the door because I’m desperate to get to my favorite book store and don’t want to purchase any junk food at the cafe while I’m there. I warm a cookie up in the microwave (for 30 seconds if refrigerated and 1 minute if frozen) and mmmmm a warmed cookie is, as mentioned before, INSANITY. Oh yes, and I love how short the ingredient list is.
Note: This cookie is for sweet potato lovers such as myself. For those who are more in the mood for conventional chocolate chip cookies without the addition of sweet potato, the ice cream scoop cookies or the BEST Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies may be ideal cookie recipe choices.
There once was a girl who delighted in chocolate, as she did so while looking at a night sky filled with stars. During these moments the present was all that filled her mind. A past of toil and struggle escaped her as did all of her scars. Dancing in the dark as the ocean waves brushed her skin, she felt the beauty of the breeze all around her and deep within. All we have is the present and future, she thought. So you may create a life anew at any time sought. It’s never too late to eat more healthy desserts, and to play and laugh until it almost hurts. We can find our footprints grazing the sand beneath our feet in a land where new paths filled with charms of our own choices are always within our determined reach.
New choices, new desserts and new adventures are always in your reach. Here is a new recipe waiting for you! Recipe time!
Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes for baked cookies!
Ingredients (makes about 6 large- or 8 medium-sized cookies):
½ cup sweet potato 1 (15 oz) can white beans or garbanzo beans from EPA-free can ¾ cup date sugar or 12 medjool dates, pitted ½ cup date sugar, optional (for extra sweetness) 2 tablespoons peanut butter or coconut butter 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon ground vanilla or 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 ½ cup oat flour (for gf version) or spelt flour 1 tablespoon maca powder, optional ⅓ cup steel cut or rolled oats, optional ¼- ½ cup dark chocolate chips or carob chips ⅓ cup raisins, if desired
To make cookie dough, process all ingredients (except for oats, chocolate chips and raisins) in a food processor until smooth. Pour the dough into a large mixing bowl once processed and mix in the oats, chocolate chips and raisins. Voila! It’s done. Eat as is or bake them into cookies!
To make cookies, preheat oven to 350 degrees F, place tin foil on a baking pan and lightly grease the tin foil. Scoop individual tablespoons of the mixture onto the tin foil until the batter is completely used. Slightly flatten each one with your clean hands. Bake them in the oven for 15 minutes or until lightly brown. Make sure not to overcook them if you desire a crunchy outside and soft inside. They will continue to cook and harden once you remove them from the oven.