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Sinless Chocoholic & Rosy Raspberry Smoothie

Writer's picture: TaliaTalia


Get ready for more smoothie deliciousness in your la vida healthy! The smoothie you see here is one of my favorites. I bet you could have guessed that one of my favorite smoothie recipes would be a chocolaty one (this is assuming you are familiar with this website and the obscene quantity of chocolate-containing desserts on here). If you love chocolate as I do, then welcome to the chocoholics non-anonymous club. Girlfriend (or guyfriend), I plan on staying in this club until I hit the grave (which will hopefully occur at the perfectly reasonable age of 100 years old or another really high number around that one) and I plan on enjoying this smoothie recipe all the while I am in my imaginary, yet highly fantastic and delicious all the time, chocoholics non-anonymous club.

I can envision the first few sentences I would proclaim upon attendance at a meeting of this highly fantastic, ultra chocolaty club:

“Hi my name is Talia and I’m elated to be a member of the chocoholics non-anonymous club and here with all of you. Thank you for including me in this meeting. Except I’m not trying to recover, go into remission or drop the habit at all, ever, so get ready to see a lot of me. Thank you very much.”

Are you ready for more chocolate in your life now? Chocolate of the healthy sort? <~ I mean seriously, you knew the recipe was going to be a healthy chocolate smoothie recipe, right?! I don’t do unhealthy, ever. Never ever ever.

This recipe is:

~Dairy-free ~Refined sugar-free ~100% fruit-sweetened ~Oil-free ~Low-fat <~ Although, remember that low-fat is not always the greatest for our health. However, if you are watching your weight, this smoothie is a pretty yummy way to stay full & consume lots of antioxidants! ~Gluten-free <~ Okay, what smoothie ever contains gluten though? I do suppose this was pretty obvious. ~ Totally guilt-free <~ Duh times 100

I love chocolate with raspberries too. So obviously I decided to pour a rosy raspberry smoothie layer on top of this sinless chocoholic smoothie. I’m calling it rosy because it’s a rosy red color, not because I literally put roses in the smoothie. Ha!

Enjoy this recipe!


Sinless Chocoholic Smoothie Layer

2 frozen bananas, sliced ½ cup nondairy milk 3 medjool dates, pitted ½ cup cocoa powder 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Rosy Raspberry Smoothie Layer

2 cups frozen Raspberries 1 fresh banana 5 medjool dates, pitted ½ cup nondairy milk


For each smoothie (prepare them separately), puree all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Free both in your freezer for at least one hour to make them slushy and freezy (I made up that word, freezy!). Take out of freezer, pour chocolaty smoothie in a glass jar or bowl and then pour raspberry smoothie on top. Add your favorite fruity toppings, raw cacao nibs or coconut flakes. Nom nom nom.

Peace, love & chocolate <3


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